In the beginning, there was chemistry;

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Picture the Universe; it is entirely ruled by physics, from gravity to falling in love, but did you know that? Of course, I didn’t and that’s probably because I’m just an every day “Jane” living on Earth.

So too goes dating- if one texts or chats endlessly then they a picture that attempts to defy the logic of “Physics” some fall in love or illusion well before the most crucial encounter which essentially is the physics, the very physical aspect of love and then everything falls apart before anything even happens.  In short, the laws of physics rule everything- even love.

First, let’s talk about online dating. Online dating has become the most popular way to meet and interact with people. It’s fun, it gives you a massive range of choices. It’s become a go-to method for meeting new people, especially for those who are too busy or shy to approach someone in person. And it makes sense – after all, you can get to know someone pretty well online before you even meet them in person. However no matter how much online dating evolves the rules still apply! The key factor in relationships which determines whether or not two potential matches will hit it off? 


Chemistry. ..the chemicals within our brains that dictate love affairs are also present in every other aspect of life: work colleagues; friends, family members, and even pets can make us happy. 

But, hold a bit. What is this chemistry thing?

What is chemistry? In the simplest terms, chemistry is the study of matter and the interaction between different substances. 

But in the context of relationships, chemistry is a little more complicated than that. It’s the X factor – the intangible quality that makes two people feel like they just “click.”

So what exactly is chemistry? And how can you tell if you have it with someone? 

 Chemistry can be emotional and mental but it is mostly physical.

According to chemistry expert and renowned anthropologist, Helen Fisher, there are three different types of chemistry:

  1.  Sexual chemistry is based on physical attraction and is what initially draws people together. Lust chemistry is all about the physical attraction and sex drive. 

2. Emotional chemistry is the deeper connection that develops over time and is based on trust, mutual respect, and common interests. 

3. Intellectual chemistry is the mental connection that occurs when two people can have stimulating conversations and share similar perspectives.

While all three types of chemistry are essential in a relationship, it is often sexual chemistry that fades first. This is why many couples feel bored or disconnected after several years together. By understanding the role that each type of chemistry plays, you can date consciously to help keep your relationships fresh and exciting.

Chemists often refer to a spark as being present in one’s first or maybe second interaction. This idea of “sparking up” can happen in real life, but does it even matter when our online dating apps dictate everything we do?

The physics of chemistry is used to highlight the missing equation in the online dating phenomenon. It refers to the way in which the chemistry between two people can be affected by the online environment.

In online dating, the ‘physics of chemistry’ can be both a positive and a negative force. On the one hand, it can lead to quick and easy connections between people who would otherwise never meet. On the other hand, it can also create a false sense of intimacy that can lead to disappointment or heartbreak when the online connection is not replicated in real life.

Thus the one evident flaw to online dating: you can’t experience chemistry with someone until you meet them in person. Chemistry is that special ingredient that makes two people click – it’s the je ne sais quoi that can’t be replicated online.

Think about it: you can chat with someone online for hours, but unless you meet them in person, you’ll never really know if there’s any REAL  chemistry between you. And that’s why real dates are better than online ones.

On a real date, you can experience chemistry firsthand. You can see if there’s any spark between you and your date, and you can get a feel for how well you click in person. Online, you can’t do any of that – you’re just chatting with someone behind a screen at best but at the very worst it could very well be a “Tinder Swindler”.

The physics of chemistry is an important factor to consider when dating online. It can be a powerful force for good, but it can also be a potential source of pain. If you are aware of the ‘physics of chemistry, you can use it to your advantage and find love online by meeting up first and chatting later. So if you’re looking for love, don’t give up on real-life dating just yet. After all, physics is what makes the world go round – even when it comes to love.

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